About Spearcision Surgical Device
The Spearcision, also known as the Electromagnetic Precision Convergence Cutter (EPCC), is a handheld surgical device that capitalizes on the need for electrosurgical innovations resulting in cost-effective and enhanced medical treatment. Designed for optimized safety, efficiency and reduced surgical costs, the Spearcision utilizes breakthrough technology to minimize blood vessel, tissue and cartilage damage for rapid healing times and enhanced surgical outcomes.

Dry Incisions

Reduce Time

Battery life

New Tech

Precision Cut Performance

Surgical Accessories

Device Portability

Heat Resistant Handle

Portable Lightweight Battery

Best Quality and Design

Spearcision Device Accessories
Spearcision features an expanding range of modular surgical blade accessories for various treatment requirements
including small incisions, wide incisions, straight incisions and rounded incisions with modular capacity for
future technological integrations and accessory types.
About the Inventor

Getting To Know Michael Spears
Michael Spears is the winner of several minority inventor awards and the founder of Laverne Douglas Technologies, the company behind the Spearcision device. As its current President and head of R&D, Spears is considered an industry innovator, a community-minded visionary, and a leader whose business objectives share a common theme of value creation in fundamental fields. He is a former educator from Houston, Texas, and frequently partners with innovators from various industries to identify technology gaps and opportunities for transformational progress.

Michael Spears

Investment Opportunity
Laverne Douglas Technologies and Spearcision Group call on discerning investors to consider the transformative impact of the Electromagnetic Precision Convergence Cutter (EPCC) technology in meeting a global demand for cost-effective and beneficial surgical instruments. It is our belief this innovative technology will be lifesaving and life transforming.
Spearcision Group is currently launching an initial funding campaign which features generous to-be-defined returns and a company ownership stake for qualified early contributors. Investment opportunities include select contribution tiers with the goal of $10m first-round seed funding directed towards worldwide patent acquisition and the manufacturing and distribution of 100 Trial Machines for donation to medical facilities and institutions participating in Spearcision Medical Trials.